Sorat Hotels DE

ferrotel Duisburg

Hotel review

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We would greatly appreciate a short review of your recent stay. Your opinion is very important to us and we would like to continuously improve our service. Your review contributes to the hotels enhancement. Review notice: 5 thumbs = excellent and 1 thumb = unsatisfying. The system automatically makes an overall rating, based on the subdivision ratings.

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What room are you rating?

Your review


Please describe your experience

Your data

On which portal did you reserve?

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When sending this online contact form to our company, you agree to our privacy policy and you give us permission to process your personal data to deal with your inquiry. For more information to the storage and the processing of your data consult our privacy policy.


Note: If you have given us permission to publish your review, your review is displayed on our homepage. Your e-mail address and name will not be published and will not be used for advertisement or be passed to third parties. Keep in contact with us and order our Newsletter or follow us on Facebook.