Warm chocolate cakes
Parduin restaurant Brandenburg
Prep time
Baking time
Servings4 people
Skill levelExpert
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Amazingly delicious dessert. Perfectly presented with balsamic cherries and homemade vanilla ice cream.
For the chocolate cakes
- 50 grams dark chocolate
- 50 grams butter
- 1 free range egg
- 1/2 cup icing sugar
- 3 tablespoons flour
- 2 tablespoons cocoa
- 4 timbale molds Ø 6 cm
For the vanilla ice cream
- 100 grams white sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 vanilla pod
- 7/8 cup milk
- 2/3 cup heave cream
- 1 teaspoon vodka
For the balsamic cherries
- 200 grams stoned sweet cherries
- 1/4 cups white sugar
- 1 untreated orange
- 1 tablespoon blossom honey
- 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 1 stalk thyme
- 1 bay leaf
- 50 ml red port
- 50 ml cherry juice
- Cornflour
Chocolate cakes
- Melt butter and chocolate together in a medium pot or in a medium bowl and set over a pot of simmering water over medium low heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Remove from heat.
- Sift the flour and icing sugar in a medium mixing bowl. Add egg white and then egg yolk, stirring until well combined. Stir in the butter and chocolate mixture.
- Butter and flour timbale molds. Fill each mold about three fours full; you can just spoon the batter into the molds.
- Put the timbale molds on a baking sheet and place in a pre heated oven; 200 degrees. Bake for about seven minutes at 200 degrees. Transfer the cake to a cooling rack. After a couple of minutes, invert the timbale molds and let the cake cool upside down in the molds; then lift off the molds. Serve immediately; warm and arrange with a scoope of ice cream and balsamic cherries.
Vanilla ice
- In a saucepan, over low medium heat, whisk together milk, cream and the half of sugar and the scraped vanilla pod. Bring the mixture just to a boil. Set aside and let cool down.
- Now combine the remaining sugar and the egg yolks in another bowl; beat the mixture and add the warm milk vanilla cream mixture step by step. Whisk the mixture over the bain marie until it has thickened.
- Then beat over iced water, add vodka and stir until cold. Turn on your icecream maker and follow the instructions. Pour in the mixture into the frozen freezer bowl and let it mix about thirty to fifty minutes; until thickened.
Balsamic cherries
- Caramelize the sugar in a pot, deglaze with port and cherry juice. Add the stalk of thyme and bay leaf, let it simmer to about half its previous size.
- Add the grated peel of half orange, then add honey and balsamic vinegar, stir well. Remove bay leaf and stalk of thyme.
- If you want it to have a little more consistency or substance, dissolve a little cornflower in cherry juice and thicken the sauce. Then add the cherries; be careful, the mixture will spatter.